Open Educational Resources OER

How to find, adopt, adapt, and create open educational resources

Textbook Equity Advisory Committee

MCLA established the Textbook Equity Advisory Committee (TEAC) in 2022. The committee is a university-wide advisory committee as defined in the MSCA Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article VII.M.


(a) research how the cost of course materials affects MCLA students

(b) document current strategies employed by faculty and departments to provide equitable access to course materials and their impact on students

(c) recommend additional measures that the college could pursue to ensure equitable access to course materials while respecting faculty rights and responsibilities

d) as the Department of Higher Education begins to convey recommendations to campuses regarding textbook affordability and open educational resources (OER) initiatives, evaluate and plan for the implementation of said recommendations at the request of the President.


The Massachusetts Department of Higher Education OER Advisory Council recommends that campus advisory committees include faculty, students, and staff. The MSCA chapter president and SGA will be consulted regarding faculty and student membership. Staff nominees will be identified and contacted by the appropriate administrators. Relationship to MCLA’s Mission and Values Access: We believe a high-quality liberal arts education should be available and affordable to all who aspire to it and are prepared for its challenges. MCLA is committed to providing this opportunity. >The cost of textbooks is a hardship for many MCLA students. Newer distribution models (online access codes tied to individual students) prevent students from pursuing cost-saving strategies like buying used copies or borrowing a library copy. Working toward a future where every MCLA student has reliable, convenient access to required course materials on Day 1 of class, regardless of their financial situation, will create a more equitable college where students are better positioned to succeed. Inclusive Community: MCLA is committed to creating a campus climate and culture of mutual respect that represents and honors diversity in our society. We celebrate this diversity and affirm the dignity and worth of all people. We intentionally integrate topics of social, cultural, and physical diversity in the curricular, co-curricular, and work life of our community.

As the state university enrolling the highest percentage of Pell-eligible students, MCLA is especially well positioned to model inclusive practices regarding course materials.

Innovation, Experimentation and Creativity:

We promote creativity and inquiry, and the role of a liberal arts institution to provide students with the freedom and means to explore ideas and take intellectual and creative risks. Faculty who adopt open educational resources (OER) in their teaching can adapt, enhance, and remix existing resources or engage students in the process of creating entirely new instructional resources that are, in turn, freely available and adaptable across higher education and beyond.

DOERS3 Grant

In November 2022, MCLA was awarded a $10,000 grant from the DOERS3 Collaborative to pilot and evaluate a rubric that guides the evaluation and evolution of campus OER activities in the pursuit of more equitable student access, outcomes, and success. MCLA's DOERS3 grant project team worked closely with the Textbook Equity Advisory Committee to carry out grant activities through the 2023 calendar year.

Project team members:

  • Emily Alling, Associate Dean for Library Services (lead)
  • Christopher MacDonald-Dennis, Senior Advisor for Institutional Equity and Belonging
  • Erin Milne, Director of Assessment