Open Educational Resources OER

How to find, adopt, adapt, and create open educational resources

Courses, Lectures & OER Repositories

Note that some of these resources are free but not necessarily open (i.e., you can link to them and your students can access them at no cost, but you may not be able to adapt, remix, copy, or include them in openly licensed materials). If you're unsure about whether a given resource will work for your use case, please ask the library!

Academic Earth

Free online lectures from universities such as Berkeley, UCLA, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford and Yale.

Annenberg Learner

Teaching materials, lesson plans and a huge library of online videos from the Annenberg Foundation. Videos available for streaming online only, not download.


A Massive, Open Online Course (MOOC) site. Over 100 online, free, multiweek courses from top universities in the United States.

edX Courses

Openly available course content from Harvard University, University of California, Berkeley, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Free registration required.

Humanities Commons

Provided by the MLA, Humanities Commons is a non-profit, open-access network designed to provide scholars, teachers, librarians and other humanists with a way to share their work and teaching materials and to network.

Internet Archive: OERs

Provided by the Internet Archive library, hundreds of free courses, video lectures, and supplemental materials from universities in the United States and China. Many of these lectures are available for download.

Khan Academy

An online collection of thousands of video tutorials on subjects such as mathematics, history, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and economics.


A free and open resource designed primarily for faculty and students of higher education Links to online learning materials are collected here along with assignments and comments to enhance the teaching experience of an exercise.

MIT Open Courseware

Video lectures, course materials, and readings from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. No registration required.

OER Commons

This catalog contains hundreds of college-level open textbooks from higher education institutions around the world.

Open Course Library

A collection of high quality, free-to-use courses that you can download and use for teaching. All content is stored in Google docs making it easy to access, browse and download.

Open Courseware Consortium

Free and open digital publication of high quality educational materials, organized as courses. A collaboration of more than 200 higher education institutions and associated organizations from around the world creating a broad and deep body of open educational content using a shared model.

Open Learning Initiative

Free course materials from Carnegie Mellon University. Requires free instructor account.

Open Yale

Another freely accessible, online collection of courseware, this from Yale University. Lectures and course material available through YouTube and iTunes; no registration required.


TED Studies

Academic publisher Wiley and TED Talks are producing a series of free course materials (project in progress).



Another wiki-based resource containing thousands of open educational resources on the university level



See Also

Mason OER Metafinder

The Mason OER Metafinder searches sixteen targets in real-time, returning the top several hundred or so relevant hits from each site. Because it is a real-time search, it takes a bit longer than searches of pre-indexed content; however, as compensation the results returned are absolutely up-to-the-minute for each search target. Additional results will trickle in as the search continues running and you begin examining your results.

Search: Mason OER Metafinder