Open Educational Resources OER

How to find, adopt, adapt, and create open educational resources

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Most items found in the library databases are not OER because they are licensed materials, they are materials that you can offer to your students at no additional cost to them.

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Open Access Journals

Open access articles are not strictly OER since they can't be altered or remixed. However, they are a resource you can offer your students at no additional cost.

BioMed Central (

  • Open access publisher of biological and medical journals.

Directory of Open Access Journals (

  • Categorized, searchable links to free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.

HighWire Free Online Full-text Articles (

  • Index of openly available journals from a variety of academic publishing websites.


  • PLOS (Public Library of Science) is a non-profit publisher and advocacy organization. Its seven peer-reviewed science journals are openly available.

Wiley Open Access (

  • Openly available journals across biological, chemical and health sciences.