
Finding Books & EBooks

  • Use the Library Catalog to find books and e-books that are available at the MCLA library and from our partner libraries in HELM. For information on downloading ebooks, see our guide.
  • Use the Commonwealth Catalog (ComCat) to find books that are available statewide in Massachusetts. You will need your library login (the same one  you use to request books in the MCLA HELM catalog) to request an item. Contact us if you need help logging in.
  • Use WorldCat to search for books and ebooks held by libraries worldwide. Use the 'Request on Interlibrary Loan" button to request the item from another library.  
  • Use the Libby app for more popular/recreational reading. You can find ebooks, emagazines, audio books, and more in Libby.


library catalogLibrary Catalog



Go directly to the Commonwealth Catalog page to search for an item. You will need your library login (the same one  you use to request books in the MCLA HELM catalog) to request an item. Contact us if you need help logging in.



More options

Download and Set Up the Libby App

Follow the steps below to download and set up the Libby app

1. Download The Libby app

2. Once the app is downloaded, search for Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts under Add a Library to access our collection. It is listed under SAILS Library Network.


MCLA's Collection is part of the SAILS library network. Choose SAILS Library Network.


3. Use the sign in button to access the collection.


4. Choose Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts from the drop-down menu.


5. The "sign-in" button will prompt you for your MCLA A number and password.


6. Now you're ready to borrow!

Using Libby

For more information on using Libby/Overdrive, visit their website.