Please visit our guide on Using eBooks and Online Magazines. This guide provides an overview of the different access models, permissions, and restrictions that come with library ebooks. The Using eBooks guide offers step-by-step instructions for downloading and reading ebooks.
A handful of library ebooks are available in a three-user (3U) model. In general, the library no longer purchases 3U ebook licenses, just as we do not generally purchase multiple copies of print books.
How do you know which model applies to a given book? The ebook record will tell you whether the library has access to one, three, or unlimited copies. If there are no restrictions on printing, downloading, etc., chances are good that the book is DRM-free. You can also ask the library, and we can find out for you.
Whenever possible, the library acquires DRM-free editions of ebooks. However, relatively few ebooks are made available to libraries under this model.
The record for each ebook specifies how many pages may be printed/downloaded, as well as how much of the book can be copied/pasted.
In general, users can print out DRM-free ebooks in their entirety.
For books with DRM, publishers determine how many pages each user can print. These permissions vary on a title-by-title basis, from no printing allowed at all to 100 pages or more available for printing.
Publishers make most academic library ebooks available in PDF and/or EPUB format.
To download PDF and EPUB books with DRM (most library ebooks) and read them offline, you must use specific free third-party software (Adobe Digital Editions; to read EBSCO ebooks on mobile devices, you can use the EBSCO app instead). This software works with the digital rights management integrated into the book to prevent you from keeping the book beyond its loan period, saving/printing/copying more than permitted, etc. When you go to download an ebook with DRM, you will be prompted to verify that you have Adobe Digital Editions on your device.
To download and read DRM-free PDF ebooks, you may use any PDF software you choose. Common free options are Adobe Acrobat Reader (all platforms) and Preview (Mac).
To download and read DRM-free EPUB ebooks, you may use any EPUB software you choose. Common free options are Adobe Digital Editions, Calibre, Aquile Reader (Windows), and Apple's Books app (Mac, iOS, iPadOS). Check your device's app store for other free EPUB reader options.
See our Using eBooks and Online Magazines guide for instructions on downloading and reading library ebooks.
Almost all library ebooks are compatible with common screen reading software like NVDA (Windows), VoiceOver (Mac), and built-in Web browser text-to-speech functionality.
Ebooks with digital rights management (DRM) may not be compatible with all screen reading software, such as Kurzweil. Students who need a specific ebook format in order to access the book effectively are encouraged to contact MCLA's Disability Resources Office, who can try to arrange access to accessible versions of books that are only available to students with documented disabilities.