Course Material Adoption and Access

Information for faculty on bookstore adoptions, library licensing of course materials, ensuring accessibility, Open Educational Resources, and more.

How can the library help with classroom video?

When the library receives a request from a faculty member regarding a video they plan to use in class, there are two factors we must consider:

1. Can the library legally provide access to the video?

If the answer to (1) is Yes,

2. Does the video fall within the library's collection development guidelines and acquisitions budget?

    • consumer DVDs available from major vendors like Amazon
  •  IT DEPENDS:  
    • Purchasing or licensing streaming video and educational documentaries on DVD is extremely costly for academic libraries.  
    • As of FY25, the library no longer purchases one- or three-year licenses for streaming films. Subject to budget availability, the library will continue to purchase streaming films that are available via a perpetual or life-of-file license.
    • The library will strive for equity across departments and faculty when allocating its limited budget.  
    • Please let the library know as soon as possible which videos you anticipate needing so that we can allocate resources appropriately.

What the library can’t do

What the library can’t do:  

  • We can’t rip or upload DVDs for faculty to show via Stream, etc. 
  • We can’t provide access to films on platforms like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Max, etc.; these services do not offer institutional licensing options
  • As of FY25, we no longer purchase one- or three-year licenses for videos. This includes most Kanopy videos. Faculty and students may be able to access Kanopy videos with a public library card.
  • We can’t spend beyond our limited book/video budget

Showing DVDs Remotely

It is possible to play a DVD on your computer and show it remotely in real time to your students. The library and IT have created documentation and are available to consult with faculty who are planning to pursue this option.

Alternatives beyond the library

Rentals: Some streaming films are available for short-term rental at a cost less than that of an annual license. Rental fees cannot be paid using the library budget, but if instructors have access to other funds, the library can contact vendors and arrange access.

Williams College: MCLA faculty may borrow most items from Williams' collections by presenting an MCLA ID at the Williams circulation desk.

Interlibrary Loan: If other libraries are willing to lend a DVD via interlibrary loan, we can attempt to time the loan to coincide with your syllabus. Please contact the library several weeks in advance.

Far from ideal, but last-ditch: If you will be requiring students to view a large number of films that are only available via consumer streaming services, you might consider a subscription to these services as a course expectation akin to purchasing a textbook. Barriers would exist for some students (cost; lack of a credit card).