Anti-Racist Resources

Audiobook Available on Spotify

Introduction and Navigation

This guide is to help highlight some resources that might help you reflect on, learn about, and do the work of anti-racism. Some of these resources are part of the Freel Library collection and some are available more widely on the internet.

Please use the bars on the left side of the screen to navigate through the different pages.

We also encourage you to read the Freel Library Staff's Statement and Commitment To Anti-Racism to learn more about our work: creating a library that is for everyone.

Books in the Freel Library Collection

Graphic Novels in the Freel Library Collection

Reading Lists in our Catalog

Here are links to lists of the books featured above. Some of these books are available to read now as e-books, and some are available on the shelves in the library. 

Anti-Racist Reading List of Books in the MCLA Freel Library Collection

Graphic Novels in the MCLA Freel Library Collection Featuring Topics of Race