Wellness @ The Library

Check out these items that can help support your health and wellbeing, now available at Freel Library.

Library Exercise Equipment Usage Guidelines

The treadmills and exercise bike in the library provide an opportunity to keep active while reading or studying. Priority goes to those who are using them for this purpose. The equipment is not intended for heavy-duty exercise; please visit MCLA's Trailblazer Fitness Center if you are looking for a more rigorous workout.

Please be considerate of others who are working or studying in the area.


The purchase of these items was made possible by a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health in collaboration with MCLA's Wellness Center.

Exercise Bike with Desktop

Exercise Bike DeskExercise Bike with Desktop

Available now! Find it in the Lower Level Lounge (former temporary Mail Room location)

Weight capacity: 300 lbs

More information about this item (manufacturer website)

Treadmill with Desk

Treadmill on library lower levelTreadmill with Desktop

For MCLA students, faculty, and staff only. Bring MCLA ID to circuation desk.

For walking only! To jog or run, please visit the Trailblazer Fitness Center.

Weight Capacity: 286 lbs.

Walking Pad

Standing desk with walking pad on library lower levelWalking Pad 

For MCLA students, faculty and staff only. Bring MCLA ID to circulation desk.

For walking only! To jog or run, please visit the Trailblazer Fitness Center.

Weight Capacity: 265 lbs.

The walking pad can be used with the adjacent standing desk.

Adjustable Standing Desk

Standing desk on library lower levelStanding Desk

More information about this item (manufacturer's website)

Use with or without the adjacent walking pad.