
A general guide to physics research

Physics Librarian

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Emily Alling

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QC 1-75 General 
QC 81-114 Weights and measures 
QC 120-168.86 Descriptive and experimental mechanics 
QC 170-197 Atomic physics, Constitution and properties of matter (incl. relativity, quantum  theory, and solid-state physics)
QC 221-246 Acoustics, Sound 
QC 251-338.5 Heat  (incl. Thermodynamics) 
QC 350-467 Optics, Light (incl. Spectroscopy) 
QC 474-496.9 Radiation physics 
QC 501-766 Electricity and magnetism 
QC 770-798 Nuclear and particle physics, Atomic energy 
QC 801-809 Geophysics, Cosmic physics 
QC 811-849 Geomagnetism 
QC 851-999 Meteorology, Climatology

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