Health Sciences

A guide to research in the health sciences, covering finding, evaluating, and citing sources

Health Sciences and Medical Databases

  • MEDLINE Best Bet

    MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.

  • PubMed Best Bet

    PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

  • OVID Nursing Full Text + Emcare Best Bet

    Ovid’s nursing books and journals span traditional specialty areas like pain management, maternity care, surgical nursing, nursing management, and evidence-based nursing. They include clinically-relevant tools in diagnosis and care procedures, practitioner journals, references for nurse education and CME, resources for nursing administrators, and foundational research literature.

    Emcare, produced by Elsevier, covers all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions. Emcare includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine.

  • AgeLine
    AgeLine focuses exclusively on the population aged 50+ and issues of aging. AgeLine is the premier source for the literature of social gerontology and includes aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy.
  • Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic

    Designed for doctors, research scientist, students and clinical specialists, this database provides full text for over 100 journals in a variety of areas pertaining to medical study.

  • CINAHL Ultimate

    A resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. This database provides indexing and full-text of top nursing and allied health journals and non-journal content such as Quick Lessons, Evidence-Based Care Sheets, & Continuing Education Modules.

  • Google Scholar Featured
    Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature using the familiar Google interface. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research. If you are off-campus, use these instructions to set it up for full access to library resources.
  • Health and Medicine (Gale OneFile)

    This multi-source database provides access to the full text of nursing and allied health journals, plus the wide variety of personal health information sources.

  • Health and Wellness (Gale)
    Provides instant access to carefully compiled and trusted medical reference materials.
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition

    This database provides nearly 550 scholarly full text journals focusing on many medical disciplines. Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition also features abstracts and indexing for nearly 850 journals.

  • Nursing and Allied Health (Gale OneFile)
    Includes full-text titles cited in CINAHL to support specialized care, treatment, and patient management. Nursing and Allied Health helps nursing professionals working in the field as well as students studying a nursing-focused curriculum.
  • Ovid Emcare

    Emcare covers all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions. Emcare includes international coverage of allied health, education and training, development and management, midwifery, health and healthcare economics, clinical medical and healthcare social work, psychiatry and mental health, and traumatology, emergency and critical-care medicine.

  • Ovid Nursing Database

    Ovid Nursing database includes full-text content from current journals through Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, combined with a Nursing subset of MEDLINE.

    Broad and Specific Subjects:

    • Clinical Medicine: Internal Medicine- Oncology;
    • Nursing: Fundamentals of Nursing; General Interest Nursing; Issues & Trends in Nursing; Medical/Surgical Nursing; Nursing Process & Diagnosis
  • Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine (Gale OneFile)
    Includes over 100 titles covering the fields of physical therapy and sports medicine. Covering a wide spectrum of information, researchers will have access to a diverse, but focused set of topics in the field, including proven treatment techniques, experimental research theses, and many more.
  • SPORTDiscus with Full Text
    SPORTDiscus with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive source of full text for sports & sports medicine journals, providing full text for 550 journals indexed in SPORTDiscus.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is another resource for finding research articles. Look on the right hand side of the screen for the "Check MCLA Full-Text" links that will bring you to the article in one of our databases. You can also look for the free PDFs listed on the right hand side. If you are off-campus, use these instructions to set it up for full access to library resources.

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