
This guide will help you find and cite resources for your assignment in your Population class

Where to Search

So where do you search to find the best resources to write your research paper?

Don't start with Google to do your research. You aren't going to find the scholarly sources that are best for your research there because scholarly research costs money and isn't freely available online for the most part. Luckily, the library pays to access a lot of scholarly research and makes it available through a variety of different search tools.

Search Everything

Search everything searches does just what it says - it searches all of the library's collections at once. This can be great to get a comprehensive overview of what is out there on your topic but it can also be a little overwhelming because there is so much. It is a great place to start your research.

Keyword Suggestions

Find Articles in These Recommended Databases

If you want to narrow down your search a little more,  you can do a search in one database at a time. Here are some that I recommend,

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is another resource for finding research articles. Look on the right hand side of the screen for the "Check MCLA Full-Text" links that will bring you to the article in one of our databases. You can also look for the free PDFs listed on the right hand side. If you are off-campus, use these instructions to set it up for full access to library resources.

google scholarGoogle Scholar