
A general guide to math research

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Some suggested keywords for searching are listed below.

These links bring you to the library's discovery portal, which searches books, ebooks, articles, journals, and more. To narrow down your search, use the tools on the left-hand side of your results screen.

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QA: Mathematics

QA1-43  General
QA47-59  Tables
QA71-90  Instruments and machines
QA75-76.95  Calculating machines
QA75.5-76.95  Electronic computers.  Computer science
QA76.75-76.765  Computer software
QA101-(145)  Elementary mathematics.  Arithmetic
QA150-272.5  Algebra
QA273-280  Probabilities.  Mathematical statistics
QA299.6-433  Analysis
QA440-699  Geometry.  Trigonometry.  Topology
QA801-939  Analytic mechanics

Essential Databases

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is another resource for finding research articles. Look on the right hand side of the screen for the "Check MCLA Full-Text" links that will bring you to the article in one of our databases. You can also look for the free PDFs listed on the right hand side. If you are off-campus, use these instructions to set it up for full access to library resources.

google scholarGoogle Scholar


Selected Websites