Hein Online - Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law

Search Tips and Tricks

The main search bar is stationary throughout HeinOnline. After entering Slavery in America and the World, the main search bar will search within only this database.

Search for articles pertaining to a topic using the main search bar. For example, enter the phrase "emancipation proclamation" AND lincoln into the search bar.

Within the results, terms matching the search query appear in bold text within the matching text page snippets. Refine the results using the facets on the left side of the page. Available facets include date, document type, section type, title, slavery documents, PathFinder subjects, and jurisdiction. Sort search results by relevance, volume date, and more. Find cited-by information and access tools, such as an instant PDF download, on the right side of each search result.  Use the icons next to the sort-by bar to modify your current search, to search within results, to toggle all matching text pages, or to turn OFF infinite scroll.

Selecting the Advanced Search link located beneath the main search bar functions much like the Advanced Search option in other databases, allowing users to search particular fields within the metadata for more precise results. Enter text, title, creator/author, or description keywords into the text boxes provided. Refine the search to a specific document type, including periodicals, UNC Press Publications, slavery statutes, judicial cases, or other related works.









The Advanced Search option within Slavery in America and the World provides unique options for searching this particular database. Further refine searches by entering the slavery topic, position, document type, or jurisdiction.














To see a full list of possible entries, simply click within the text boxes under each option.


Users can now visualize the results yield of various keywords to better refine their searches. To use the Venn Diagram feature in Slavery in America and the World, select the Advanced Search hyperlink to find the Venn Diagram Search within.

Users will be redirected to a search bar, instructions for its use, and example searches. Enter a search for multiple terms separated with the Boolean operators "AND." A Venn Diagram will appear, illustrating the various combinations of those terms and their respective results yield throughout the databaseThe original search combining all terms will appear by default, visually represented by the red intersection of all circles. 

View the results of other combinations by selecting the Clear button above the diagram to be able to hover over the various options. Users will see all possible search term combinations highlighted as the cursor hovers over them. Click one of these highlighted circles or intersections to bring up the results of the various combinations or the results of one term. 

The editorial staff carefully reviewed each title selected for Slavery in America and the World and assigned each one a position on slavery, document type, jurisdiction, and topic. Use the Slavery Quick Finder tool to search for titles based on this specific criteria. 

Find the Quick Finder Tool within the tab marked All Titles

The Quick Finder allows users to search all of the titles in Slavery in America and the World based on the type of document, its position on slavery, its jurisdiction, and its topics covered. Adjust the drop-downs as needed to easily browse relevant titles.