
A guide to research in biology, covering finding, evaluating, and citing sources and the lab report handbook

Cornell University APA Citation Guide

cornell university library logo Cornell University's APA Citation Guide - This guide from Cornell University's Library will guide  you through the APA citation process

Purdue Owl Citation Guide

Purdue University Online Writing Lab - For tricker citations and unusual formats, check at the Purdue Owl site.

Style Manual

The APA Style Manual is available in hard copy in both the library and the Biology department.

Why Cite?

Why Should You Cite?

  • To add credibility and support for your ideas!
  • To ensure the accuracy of scientific and scholarly knowledge.
  • To protect intellectual property rights.

Caravello, P. Avoiding plagiarism: Strategies & resources. Presentation.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (2001). 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: APA, p. 348.

When to Cite?

When Should You Cite?

  • When you use the author’s exact words
  • When you summarize someone else’s words
  • When you read someone else's words and write it in your own words
  • Anything which is not your OWN original thought
  • Facts that are not common knowledge
  • When in doubt, CITE!

Caravello, P. Avoiding plagiarism: Strategies & resources. Presentation.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (2001). 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: APA, p. 348.

How to Cite

How Do I Cite?

You can cite your sources by quoting, summarizing, and/or paraphrasing.

Quote What?
  • Using the Author’s exact words
  • Use “quotation marks” to mark someone else’s words
  • To support or add credibility to your arguments.
  • When the original is difficult to rephrase.
  • When original wording is great!
Summary What?
  • Condensed/distilled version of the author’s words or ideas
  • To include only main points of the original text
  • A summary is shorter than a paraphrase and covers main points only.
Paraphrase What?
  • Restating, in your own words, the author’s words or ideas


  • To simplify or clarify the original text
  • To demonstrate comprehension of original source

Paraphrasing Tips

  • Rewrite it using your own words
  • Rewrite it using your own sentence structure
  • Quote distinctive words or phrases taken from the original source
  • Accurately represent the author
  • Always cite the source of your information

Caravello, P. Avoiding plagiarism: Strategies & resources. Presentation.

Note-Taking Tips

  • Distinguish direct quotations from your own summary or paraphrase
  • Identify the source you are taking notes from at the top of your piece of paper
  • Carefully label photocopies or print outs that you have—always know the original source
  • Hint: email article citations to yourself from article search engines—some will even email in different citation styles!