Ma Yuan [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
You'll notice that this guide is organized by geographical area. The resources on those pages are specific to those areas. However, many of the library's resources are appropriate to any Asian history time period. These links are gathered on the general resources page.
Databases - Here you will find a list of recommended databases for doing history research. JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Academic Search Premier are some of the best places to start. You may also want to get an ecard from the Boston Public Library so you can access their electronic resources as well.
Books - Books are a great way to do historical research. Since most of these books are heavily researched, you can get an in-depth account of a topic in one place. In addition, the references can help you to find specific research on your topic. If you want to broaden your search beyond the MCLA collection, I recommend WorldCat, which will search hundreds of libraries across the country and offer you the chance to request a title on interlibrary loan.
Contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History - full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites.
Google Scholar is another resource for finding research articles. Look on the right hand side of the screen for the "Check MCLA Full-Text" links that will bring you to the article in one of our databases. You can also look for the free PDFs listed on the right hand side. If you are off-campus, use these instructions to set it up for full access to library resources.
Go directly to the Commonwealth Catalog page to search for an item. You will need your library login (the same one you use to request books in the MCLA HELM catalog) to request an item. Contact us if you need help logging in.