You are probably going to go back to searching various times throughout your research process in order to get the most relevant resources for your paper. In the beginning of the research process you are going to do some background research to familiarize yourself with your topic and develop a search plan. Then, as you start research, you might find that your topic changes and you need to go back and do a little more background research. Finally, when you begin writing, you might find gaps in your research that you need to go back and fill. All this is to say, that research is not a process where you do it once, find three articles, and start writing. It takes some time and some finessing to find the best sources.
Like I said, finding the right terms to search with can be the most difficult and time consuming part of research. If you need help with this, please contact me. I love searching and would be happy to help you.
While finding the right terms to use to search can be difficult, the good news is that once you've identified one or two good sources you can use those to find more sources really easily.
Here's where you find the cited by link in Google Scholar: