BADM majors should be able to :
It is essential for every business major to fully develop their information literacy skills because actionable information is the lifeblood of every business. Accordingly, aspects of information literacy may be found in business and economics course at every level within the catalog. The follow list, while not comprehensive, provides examples of where these skills are introduced and reinforced in the BADM curriculum.
200 level courses:
Many of the courses at this level integrate both quantitative and quantitative data analysis.
Courses that require quantitative data analysis include Information Technology for Business (BADM 210) and Stats for Business and Economics (Econ 216), Macro Economics (Econ 141), and Micro Economics (Econ 142).
Course that require qualitative data analysis include Legal & Social Environment of Business (BDM 242), Management (BADM 260), and Marketing (BADM 270),
300 level courses:
Many of the courses at this level integrate both quantitative and quantitative data analysis.
Courses that require quantitative data analysis include Personal Investing (BADM 300), Advanced Information Technology for Business (BADM 310), Financial Management (BADM 340), Sports Finance and Economics (BADM 345), Global Business and Economic Issues (BADM 350), and Marketing Research (BADM 382).
Course that require qualitative data analysis include Organizational Behavior (BADM 361), Human Resource Management (BADM 362), Labor and Labor Law (BADM 365), Consumer Behavior (BADM 380), and Managing Workplace Diversity (BADM 390).
Students completing BADM 510 (Business Seminar) will be using both quantitative and qualitative techniques as they evaluate a specific company. They present their findings using PowerPoint. It is expected that the students use primary sources to support their findings.An annotated bibliography will be useful.