African Diaspora

In this guide you'll find books, articles, and websites that will help you with your research on the African Diaspora

Find Articles

The library has a few different ways to find research articles. Below are your options with a brief description. Word choice when searching for articles is important. Here are some search terms you might try.

  • Slave insurrections
  • Slave Trade
  • Slave revolts
  • Trans-Atlantic slave trade
  • European colonies AND slaves
  • French OR Spanish OR English AND colonies

Background Information - Reference Books

Background information is crucial to understanding your topic. Below are listed some of the reference sources available at the library and on the Internet. While reading background information you'll want to jot down key terms and names that you can search on when finding books and articles on your topic. Many reference sites also include a bibliography that can lead you to more resources. 

Archives and Primary Source Materials