How to Use Zotero

Setting Preferences in Zotero

To set preferences click on the GEAR icon:


Preferences/Sync Tab

To use Zotero on multiple computers, to share references with groups, or to backup your library to the Zotero server, you can use the sync function:

Install PDF Indexer

Zotero can index your PDF attachments and make them fully searchable, turning your library from a mere linked catalog into a Google Books of sorts. The option is turned off by default because it relies on an external open source program (pdf2txt) which is not distributed with Zotero. However, Zotero can automatically install it and enable fulltext indexing: Click on the third tab, the "Search" tab. Select the "Click for installer" bar.

Zotero Preferences/Advanced Tab

The Full Text @ MCLA  button in some article databases that allows you to locate the full text of an article online. Zotero allows you to use the same feature.

To set up Zotero to access the Full Text @ MCLA feature, click the gear button on the Zotero toolbar and choose Preferences, go to advanced, paste this url into the "Resolver" box:

Then click OK. Once you've set this up, you can click the Locate button on any citation you're viewing to search for the item online.